Patients are provided with personalised and attentive support. Prescribing doctors want competent and available actors.
The medical team
Doctor Stéphanie Besse Seligman, specialist radiologist doctor responding to the canton medical authorities :
« Our faculty to reduce patients apprehension changes their perception of the therapeutic experience ».
To find out more about
Stéphanie Besse Seligman
Doctor Philippe Kindynis, specialist radiologist :
« The trusting relationship established between the prescribing doctor, the radiologist and the patient provides both a human and technical service ».
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Philippe Kindynis
Doctor Monica Deac, cardiologist specialized in cardiac MRI :
« I am fascinated by the extraordinary clarity of the MRI images, which give us a 360° view of this major organ that is the heart».
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Monica DEAC
Doctor René De Gautard, specialist radiologist and sonographer :
« Humility and availability are key values in the excellence that we desire for our patients ».
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Doctor Carolina Walter, specialist radiologist :
« I was keen to join a human-sized structure which integrates patient’s concerns and individualities by putting them at the heart of the diagnostic and therapeutic process. »
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Carolina WALTER
Doctor Rodica Schiau, specialist radiologist FMH :
« I regularly join with pleasure The center Medimage stuffed with a pleasant and competent team of professionals assisting me in performing my job which has always fascinated me. »
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The technical team
TECHNICIANS ASSIST RADIOLOGIST PHYSICIANS technically and perform examinations according to the chosen protocol. They also assist with therapeutic infiltration and the injection of contrast agents or punctures. Their role is not only practical: they manage the emotional state of patients, in order to facilitate their experience and ensure a high quality examination.
Medical Imaging Technician Manager
Screening Accreditation
Radiation protection expert
Vincent BUQUET
Medical Imaging Technician
Elodie GOMES
Medical Imaging Technician
Jonathan Nosel
Medical Imaging Technician
Laurie RÜEGG
Medical Imaging Technician
Killian Prain
Medical Imaging Technician
Medical front office
THE MEDICAL SECRETARIES provide the administrative management of the records; they are the privileged actors of prescribing doctors, radiologists and patients in the coordination of examinations: setting dates, collecting data, etc. They welcome patients, inform them in terms of administrative procedures and prepare them with the necessary tact and support for a successful examination.
Medical Secretary
Patricia MONGIN
Medical Secretary
Medical Secretary
Sonia Légier
Medical Secretary