Hyaluronic acid infiltrations in Geneva

Hyaluronic acid infiltrations


In Geneva, hyaluronic acid infiltrations are performed and managed by our specialist radiologists.



How do hyaluronic acid infiltrations work?


The specialist doctor will analyse the imaging examinations on a screen. They will view and identify the affected area or injury.

Infiltration is performed intra-articularly using X-ray (or ultrasound) with a hyaluronic acid gel aimed at improving the sliding effect when a joint moves (e.g.: Ostenil, Suplasyn, etc.).



Infiltrations d'acide hyaluronique Infiltrations d'acide hyaluronique à Geneve


What are the objectives of hyaluronic acid infiltrations in Geneva?


Infiltrations have a therapeutic purpose. They are directly involved in the treatment of a pathology by relieving pain. The images taken using the chosen method will guide the operator.

Certain HAs (hyaluronic acids) are combined with antioxidants (e.g.: Ostenil Plus) or the HA infiltration can be complemented with a corticosteroid. It is also possible to apply hyaluronic acid as part of a PRP infiltration.

Dr S. Besse and Dr P. Kindynis will be happy to take care of your patients.


Other types of infiltrations practiced by the Centre


We perform several types of infiltrations:

  • joint infiltrations,
  • epidural infiltrations,
  • foraminal infiltrations,
  • and other infiltrations, such as: spinal infiltration, pudendal infiltration, back infiltration, lumbar infiltration, osteoarticular infiltration, intra-articular infiltration, soft tissue infiltration, extra-articular infiltration, etc.

The Medimage Centre also offers PRP infiltrations (platelet-rich plasma). This is an injection enriched with platelets, often used on scars and ligament, tendon and cartilage damage. This plasma (collected in the Institute by blood test) can also be centrifuged with additional hyaluronic acid.






Learn more about the other examinations available at the Medimage centre: MRI in Geneva (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), Arthrography and biopsy, CT scan, radiography and radiology in Geneva, cardiac imaging, ultrasound in Geneva, elastography, mammogram in Geneva, dental panoramic, mineralometry or osteodensitometry.

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